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So I love me some lore easter eggs, and want to make the background seem somewhat genuined, so ive come up with some alt universe ideas, and some slightly more ''possible'' hookups in actual lore. I tried to think about as many scenarios as possible for this pairing, but 6 was all I could think of at the top of my head. (obviously ignoring their... not so good relationship, lol :D...)

If you have any other ideas, feel free to add them in a comment below. Im mostly adding this poll to see what most people are into. If there are some really good ideas in the comment section, ill add a second poll, with the most voted for option, and some of the comment section ideas. If none are added, ill go with the most voted for option :)



I like to think Genn and Sylvanas agreed to do a negotiation for peace between the two factions, but ended up doing so much more.


Personally id like to see Genn taking her on the Lordaeron throne more like if the battle for Uc had been a victory.