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Expect a animated preview of this scene within the next few days. Ive already done the base animation for the 4 gals pictured. 5th gal will be added later on, as she will not be taking part in the dick sucking. Theres 4 camera angles for this scene in total, so look forward to more goodies soon \o\

Happy renderer rant - 

Im super happy that I finally found a renderer that produces decent results, while at the same time, being very fast for a professional renderer. Most professional renderers are made to give realistic results and be very detailed, which in turn slows down the rendering time insanely. The extra rendering time is usually worth it for most 3d styles, but I feel for my use It isnt as I want to keep my work looking fairly cartoony, and at times flat(kind of like a 2d drawing).

With this renderer though, It is more then halving the render time of the last renderer I tried.(2 characters with no background, and only 120 frames took me 19 hours to render, and ive recently rendered 200 frames of a pirate ship Ive made, which probably took me around 70+ hours...) Soooo, this renderer is way faster while easily creating at least 80% of the quality of a slower but more proper renderer. (ive been using a very outdated renderer thats probably 10+ years old by now. I can make ok results with it, but nothing beats proper shadows, like the new renderers can make)

Before deciding to switch though, ill need to test render 1-2 backgrounds. Ive lready tried rendering a background with one light in the scene, and it took 1 minute to render a picture(thats a very good time) so if the render times stays around 1-3 minutes per image, after adding more lights, I will likely finally be able to do a renderer switch, after having used a garbage one for the past 4-5 years :D

Ive already kinda tried it on 




the visuals the new renderer produces does have a perfectly fitting charm, as you said. I like it!