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Hello everyone! I hope you're doing good! ^^

I have to announce that in May I plan to skip payment due to having to focus myself onto two important projects:
- A very, very complex commission that is in preparation since a couple of months which proper development is planned in such month;
- And the very complex 3D model needed for the "exam" of the first year of 3D course I'm doing that I'll have to present on half of June.

The reason for this is that during May I cannot guarantee to be able to focus on other things other than such projects due to their complexity. ^^;
Until then (April 30th), everything will proceed as usual, to then restart normally on June 1st.

Once the Krystal picture is done, we will of course make the usual poll, start working on what you guys have voted, and then continue/finish it in June.

- Being a Patron, what am I supposed to do to avoid paying for May?
Keep your patronage on! Patreon has a function for "hiatuses". By staying, you will access the page posts for free for the entirety of May (you will NOT pay on May 1st and keep accessing the page as usual). It's just that there probably won't be any updates on Patreon related artworks during the month. ^^;

- What happens if I join for the first time, or leave your Patron only to enter again in May?
Unfortunately you will end up paying for the month without new updates during May. It is how the payment skip is programmed. I cannot change how that function works, my apologies.

If you have further questions, don't be afraid to ask! ^^
Thank you for your time.


Big Blue (Growthslut)

I hope all goes well, and we'll see you again soon! 💙