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Lemur picture is on the way! What shall we do next?

- Ink and color Amaterasu being "explored" by a little worshiper while in some typical ancient Japanese castle.
- Female Tails. Having a stroll in the ocean, half body out of the water, looking around as she clumsily bump a fleet of ships with her legs. View seen from the water surface. Watersports version should be possible.
- Fanart of She-Rex from Shnider, chasing a tiny criminal trying to escape onto a helicopter. SFW (besides her very peculiar dressing) for obvious respect of other artist's character reasons. Prototype here: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/878662123381747743/1041122947659726999/image.png?width=487&height=676

Which shall it be? owo


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