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Loona is on the way to be finished! For this time, some less gargantuan ladies, focused to more personal activities with smaller being(s).

- Kaaly holding you being half a mouse sized and giving you a kiss. Reward for all the hard work you've done.
- Female Tails having to play with a mouse sized YCHdude, him focused between her legs to make her have a good time. Idea would be her on all fours, squeezing a plushie between her legs. On the head of such plushie, the micro doing his work. Smaller panel closing up on him, and one on her face as she's enjoying the "performance".
- Dominique the doe, sitting over a bunch of bee-sized, non-characterised people. Low angle, "through the glass" kind of view, with two panels to focus both on the front and rear of her nethers.

So, what shall it be?