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Turns out the looming mouth was just Hawk enjoying herself! She's on a quite comfy pillow, as some even bigger being is about to abuse of a nebula and a few hundreds solar systems for her own games...

YCH: "Wait, back on space nearby earth everything was dark and I could see the stars! How come now there's this!?"
Kaaly: "You were seeing the light rays coming from several years before! You know... physics! Ladies this size for you would be completely invisible, therefore I'm helping you out to see. Hence why they also aren't completely engulfed in darkness! :D"
Shameless explanation of why we can see light years tall ladies...

Link to CLIP and PSD files:




How kind of Kaaly for helping us see the show owo

Hedgmanac Guy

Is it just me or is there no text on the photos in the psd files?


Hello! Sorry for the delay. ^^; All PSDs should have been fixed now. ^^