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You though the solar system was enough? That maybe Loona's cosmical take over was gonna be the end of this? While Loona extends herself for millions of kilometres, Hawk shows up and just dwarfs the hellhound with her incalculable size! 

But the few light years of the squirrel Goddess's height barely tickles the absurdly humongous presence of yet another challenger... As her fingers are used to help scooping some stars and maybe some chunks of a nebula, Lola bunny reminds us space is a big enough place to accomodate quite the size!

If only the people on earth could realize space is so dark for a good reason. Infact, the darkness around them isn't just void area, or a bunny hole. Everywhere they look, no matter how far with their own eyes, or with their most advanced telescope... It's just Amaterasu. A very small portion of her. The milky way now found a brand new big momma to take care of it and its inhabitants... 

...I am late. ovo;
I still need to color last 4 pages. In March factory took a big chunk of my free time and prevented me to work on this as I wanted, unfortunately. I shall finish these before starting anything else of course. owò
Sorry for the delay. <w<;




Don't worry for the delay! Take your time. You were quite productive this month anyway!


Thank you! qwq &lt;3 Still gonna try to hurry as otherwise any voting artwork on April would be pushed too forward. owò


I think most don't mind the delay. We know that if we just wait the end result is gonna be way better and it will be better for you as well.


It feels fitting for Amaterasu to be the ultimate celestial body, and I love how the picture reflects that in its background and presentation. Take care and no worries about delays. :3