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I'm a dummy and I forgot to post next poll after Loona's flat colors. owo;

But since I'm also doing a little side project (you'll see when it's the time!), I can use it to give time for votes to roll!

This time, we focus on a bunch of ideas that lost in previous polls.

- Dominique the doe. She's enjoying a bath in an artificial lake made by a dam, laying on her back legs out... Such dam is about to collapse for the weight of her legs.

- Elora (Spyro 2). Butt shot POV, open legs.  Both macro and normal. Macro version is her butt "piercing" dense clouds clusters of Spyro 2's "Cloud temples" level, which is very tiny right in front her exposed labias. Normal version is the same POV, in a bathtub. Clouds are replaced by foam and bubbles.

- Hawk the squirrel. As she's laying on the ground being the size of a landscape, a bunch of people are skydiving towards her, aiming at her chest.

Let the voting begin!


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