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Adding new special weather effects for the many special events you can play around the Kingdom!

There are subtle ones, like these sparse falling leaves around Plant Ruins...

... up to much more sparkly ones when really weird stuff happens!

I don't plan to have them everywhere, and the flashier ones have to be used only when something special is happening!

Good thing, I've managed to have this script work without issue to older save files, as far as I could test! Let me have some fun now, would you?!

I'm willing to take hints, what's a special event you would like to be nicely framed by a new effect? We can do pretty much anything, Swirlies ๐Ÿญ falling from the sky, fluffy clouds, cum rain... anything!




Smoke during sieges, hazy fire particles around oni reign, proper snow/hail around the frozen continent and perhaps a straight up blizzard when dp2 decides to attack you


Cherry blossoms around cat reign, wispy flames around ghost/moth reign, confetti or some other party-like things during moonlight festivals, steam inside golem reign, clumps of wheat around harvest reign, bubbles around finhead/mermaid reign, frayed plumage when a king cocca/queen cocca is present in an area, little sandy dust particles inside the pyramid