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*lights candy cigarette*




End of Moth

We finished working on Moth's Route yesterday, you'll be able to reach the ending in the next Beta build!

Another story reaches its closure...
As a gamedev, something in me dies every time it happens. It's like a part of my heart gets shut down.
But it's a good pain, I hope you'll see how much love we've put into this Route!

New Diplomacy Menu

Much easier to navigate now, and with some adjustments to its balance I think this system is now on par with the rest.
The Knight's Update shook many things that were well-established since the early development days, I'll tune them and make sure it all works smoothly.

Plants flourishing

Still working on them, we've already got 2 Plant NPCs animations ready (Alraune and Tree), it's now only about adding the needed flavor, the Plant Reign music, and 2 or 3 well-written events before we can put a ✔️ on Plant Princess too!




Flower knight / plant knight?