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Time for a couple updates regarding our rewards!
Needless to say, your increasing support has been a great motivation to always try and give something meaningful back.

Dragon Tier (20$)

  • DLC #1 - Additional NPCs

Took a bit more than anticipated, but now the game supports DLC packages in a nicely straightforward way!

The next build(s) will have a DLC folder ("DLC#1" for the first package). You'll simply have to place the DLC file into it and the additional content will be added to your game.

Every Dragon Tier+ Patron will get the DLC package (out by the end of August), gaining unlimited access to our first set of 10 Additional Characters!

Goddess Tier (500$)

  • 🕺 (C)hoose (Y)our (O)wn (P)rogeny

For our highest tier only (since any pledge lower than that wouldn't even be enough to cover for the artists involved)! Extra special reward for extra special support!

Every month Goddess Tier Patrons will be able to fill the chart below and submit it to the Team to get a unique NPC added to the game!

It will need to be an existing Progeny race, but will use unique assets!

This is v1.5 of our CYOP chart, and it will very likely be edited/adjusted as problems (or new opportunities) arise. Changes may be retroactive if something really needs to be balanced!
I can't wait to start, if you're an eligible Goddess, follow these instructions and get your entry ready!

How to (C)hoose (Y)our (O)wn (P)rogeny:

  • Pledge at Goddess tier (500$)
  • Join our Discord server
  • PM our DearBot(#7342) with your Patreon Email and the race(s) you're considering for your Progeny, she'll give you useful pointers for the next steps. You can already attach sketches/reference images for your character at this stage!
  • ...
  • Profit!

I'd suggest contacting me first with your rough idea first, there's extreme themes that I just won't add in the game ❤️

You'll get regularly updated with your character's progress with both PMs and on dedicated channels on our Discord server. If there will be many entries to take care of we'll make sure to also publish a waiting list, and proceed to work on them 1 by 1. You'll always know what's happening to your special Progeny!

Any (C)hoose (Y)our (O)wn (P)rogeny character will be available to everybody!

You can already join and start planning things out. Any new entry will be worked on by the Team at the beginning of the following month!

Progeny Skills repository


Joshua Boone

This is cool and all, but where babs animation?


500 buck ha ha ha, hell no. When its on steam I will buy it but not for more then like 9.99 lol

towerkc (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-26 17:03:38 You do realize that's not the price to get the game, right? And... P&C is already on Steam https://steamcommunity.com/games/1083880
2022-08-22 06:10:25 You do realize that's not the price to get the game, right? And... P&C is already on Steam https://steamcommunity.com/games/1083880

You do realize that's not the price to get the game, right? And... P&C is already on Steam https://steamcommunity.com/games/1083880


Will there ever be an option to purchase a CYOP? (I can't afford $500 a month, but I'd be more than willing to pay $500+ for this reward)


So... So... You're telling me if I straight up just send $500 to you guys, I'll get my own progeny?? Cause if so sign me up (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)


May I send a private message? :) I'll go over the whole page again to see if I'm missing anything, but I'm definitely interested! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧