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It's 1st placed against the 4th placed in Phase 1!

🎭Mask Princess🎭 VS 🦎Gecko Princess🦎

 -Partial results: 636 votes in-


The vote %s you will see in the poll's window may not be accurate, as we're using vote multipliers (make sure to check your pledge tier to know what's the multiplier that will be applied to every vote you make), but I'll post regularly the exact numbers for maximum transparency on the poll results! 


India Actual

Mask princess all the way!


Gecko Gang Unite ✊


I so hope Mask P wins it with 69%, that would be fantastic.


Let's get this jungle themed bread








I hope Ghecko Princess makes it in at some other point, but I gotta go for mask.


I loved Geck Princess, but Mask is just such a cool design!!

Griffin Baker-Royo

What a brutal matchup, I really want Gecko but mask is undeniably best

Toxobite .

Mask is kind of stupid I think, but o well.


My favorite two are at odds so soon.


Mask has so much more going for her than gecko, being fully unique instead of being the fourth reptile and fifth green-colored princess. The only thing she's got is a unique background, and that background simply doesn't jive with being a reign. A shame really.


I'm fighting to the death for Gecko. Gecko or death.

Toxobite .

Mask is pretty much just another slime princess.

Toxobite .

Also gecko can be any color she wants to be plus she can go camo mode.

Toxobite .

I would rather have a cool tribal civilization than another "spooky" place we already have that with the skeleton and ghost princess. I kind of get a themyscira vibe from gecko princess. A warrior princess if you will. While mask princess is just a cult leading goo-girl with a mask nearly ripped strait from tekken's Kunimitsu.


And gecko is just another Kobold Princess.


See how easy it is to copy that argument? lol

Toxobite .

Kabolds are dragonkin it would be nice to have a reptile thats not a dragon or dragon-like.


Gecko heavily resembles frogP just like mask resembles slimeP your argument can very easily be used against you. I for one thing that mask is a much cooler design and is probably more fascinating lore wise. Which opinions is what this all comes down to.


I just like gecko because so much personality comes across from her design alone. I think both are great tbh. Gecko just jives with me a bit more personally

Toxobite .

You keep saying the argument can be used against me and than make no good argument.

Toxobite .

Besides we don't really have a reptilian race with a kingdom besides dragon.


Honestly since the mushroom is out of rather have oni or birb than mask or gecko, they seem more interesting than another spook or reptile

Toxobite .

I'm cool with oni and bird to. Something about the mask just rubs me the wrong way. Probably the emo kids.


We have two reptilian races besides dragon: lamia and kobold. Frog is going to make it in soon too in all likelihood. Furthermore, Gecko's design needs a touch up; if she wins as she is now that won't happen, and we'll get a race that gets belly scutes when they don't slide on their belly, a forked tongue when they aren't snakes, and MONKEY EARS.


Also let's compare and contrast the story potential: GeckoP will most likely have a cut and dry "I must fight to protect my people" story befitting a renegade. Not that special, really. Mask P on the other hand could be a villain that you deliberately help, a tragic and kindhearted soul suffering from a curse that you eventually lift, or a wisened but bitter ruler seeking power to elevate herself and her people from the depths of the Underground.

Toxobite .


Toxobite .

I think the belly is fine but I do agree with the ears should just be a little hole

Toxobite .

But she wins I'll live with it

Toxobite .

I think I would like the mask princess if it was an actual kitsune


There's nothing to imply that she isn't. She's a kitsune with... accessories.

Toxobite .

Mask is going to win I dont think bird wont beat it. It's going to be nice to have a new princess.


Might not. Everything keeps fluxuating by 2%. I have to keep my fingers crossed for chameleon


Thick birb waifu all the way


Mask has the mysterious edge.

Toxobite .

I enjoyed the argument

Toxobite .

@Mizar We Tried


guess none of the ones i like will win ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess ill be sticking with my favs


We'll see once the final tally is made. The poll only just ended, after all.


We gave her a good fight, hope we atleast get a chance to see something from the ones that didnt make it