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👑 Kingdom Poll - The Final! [❗THE END IS NEAR❗]

  • Dwarf Princess ⛏ 297
  • Forsaken Princess 🧹 363
  • 2024-04-29
  • —2024-05-09
  • 660 votes
{'title': '👑 Kingdom Poll - The Final! [❗THE END IS NEAR❗]', 'choices': [{'text': ' Dwarf Princess ⛏', 'votes': 297}, {'text': ' Forsaken Princess 🧹', 'votes': 363}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 9, 21, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 29, 15, 43, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 660}


 It's the final round of our Kingdom Poll!

There was laughter.

There were tears.

What if laughter were really tears?

Nothing will matter in the end. Only the winner will remain.

[Final results: 660 votes]

  • Forsaken 58%

  • Dwarf 42%

All you need to know about the Kingdom Poll is HERE!


The King Of Ravens

I hope forsaken will win such a interesting character design





Sexy voice Guy

Forsaken is cringe and the election is rigged in its favor






Guess I'm voting for Dwarf again. I have no desire to fuck a plush toy.

Keyshawn Plumley

I need forsaken princess in my life PLZ

Peach Deluxe

Shortstacks are boring


I again dont care for a kingdom of plush toys, works better as a one off. Dawi gets my vote because of it.

Tyler Murphy

Forsaken seems more interesting but I love dwarves too much

Evil Tim

I'll echo what someone else mentioned before. Having Dwarf without Elf in some capacity will just feel like something's missing.


Not super enthusiastic about either choice, but such is life in money based polls.

Suterusu Ryu

Dwarf wouldn’t be so bad if her breasts weren’t bigger than she was.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't coming home! Also this vote changed 6 percent in like 30 minutes to forsaken favor, prolly is rigged

Jordan Hill

We don't need anymore villains

Dox Steele

I almost want to vote against Forsaken just for winning out elf, but dwarf isn't that interesting either


You realize you're looking at the raw, unmultiplied votes showing Forsaken has the majority's interest, right?


Changed by raw votes alone, clearly the majority (for now) wants Forsaken more than Dwarf

Sexy voice Guy

No. Rigged election. The forsaken vs elf got last minute vote dumps. The polls had elf up by around 8% until last minute.

Dox Steele

There were goddesses involved, that's why. We *were* winning, but due to voting power, we lost


Forsaken was ahead the whole time after multipliers, dunno what you're yapping about


Forsaken was ahead the whole time after multipliers, nothing about it was "last minute"

Sexy voice Guy

*Facepalms* I'm making funny stolen election joke. You must not be from Merica.


Both the choices I liked got kicked sadge

Dox Steele

Apparently you're the one who's yappin because she wasn't until the last 2 updates from Tower


I just don't see the appeal of the Forsaken Princess. I get that people want "something different", but to me it feels like a soulless abomination that would appear in my nightmares if one of my old stuffed animals got a craving for revenge on me, not a character I'm supposed to beat my meat to


She was ahead in the first, third and fourth tallies, the numbers were swapped for the second tally only because -I- was testing the influence

Dox Steele

So in other words, you're one of the ones that Tower was talking about, swapping sides and stuff


Forsaken for the win baby! Also Dwarf not having a beard loses my vote smh my head.


The real question is...how do you H a rag doll? She has no holes. Do we tear them like pantyhose?

Daniel M.

Worst one in the entire comp winning


Too bad the other didn't win, they had nice ones but well will go for dwarf since she thicc and would like to see some thicc ass with human or goblin. Like an ass tower.


Will be quite crazy if suddenly half switch to dwarf lol would literally feel baffled lol nothing worse than crushing someone hope at the last minute 😅


Forsaken also has no beard, Forsaken don’t even have anything worthwhile so what’s the point here?!


Forsaken Princess looks like the dream of a child m*******. Please stop this happening. A underground kingdom deserves a rightful ruler and for video game generation it have been the dwarfs.


Point is I don't need a human skinned goblin, I need a real dwarf woman with a long full beard. Otherwise what's the point here!?


You apparently missed the part about where Tower's going to blacklist people who do that.


This sudden inversion smells of rage/revenge voting... As if it's the end of the line, and there's no option for Dwarf AND Elf to both make it into the game with their own dungeon and rivalry quest. Which won't happen if Dwarf wins here.


Categorically wrong, we need MORE villains. There aren't actually enough compared to all the good and lawful reigns.


Revenge voting won't bring Elf back. Just vote for the lesser of two evils, and suggest other ways for your darling to get into the game later. (Like I'm doing)


Feel like it would be a greater punishment to them specifically if he kept their vote on what they had it on previously rather than outright removing the vote entirely

Dox Steele

Yeah, I voted Forsaken, for defeating my liege, it's only respectful


There's a scarecrow princess that you can fuck, how is a doll any weirder than that?

ryan ward

I really hope the dwarf wins. This game could always use more short stacks


Hopefully forsaken wins im excited for all the possible costumes and progeny a creature like it could have. Not a big fan of dwarves either since they are just short humans and other creatures like goblins can fulfill their niches better to me.


I don't care who wins I just want to see if we can get a 50/50 and make the dev pick


Maybe whoever loses since they made it the final, have it as a dlc character too like the others dlc ones. Either way, excited to have one more princess in the game. My loyalty lies with goblin and humans princess forever though lol

Sexy voice Guy

If Forsaken wins, I'm leaving.


If the polls like forsaken then the polls have spoken? Making it about yourself is very selfish if you don't like her don't play her story, it's that simple

Sho Anderson

Ugh. At least Shadow Reign looks great. This whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Jordan Hill

My favorite is windigo and harvest

Indiana Atwood

I've never been less enthusiastic about a poll in my life.


and why have a poll if you don't listen to your Patreon's most are saying no to this yet you go ahead and put in the one no one wants except for maybe whales 1 or 2 patreons make the difference it is all about money and with that I am unsubscribing and you will not see another dime from me good luck on your project. I might resubscribe in the future if you learn to listen to people more but for now farewell


I will probably play the final version whenever it is completed you do good work but not the best decisions are being made you really need to listen to your supporters more