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There's only 1 spot left!

Who's going to Reign over the Kingdom Below, with Insect (pre-surfacing) and Shadow Princess?!

Currently, my picks are:

  • Mushroom

  • Dwarf

  • Gnome

I will let you pick a few more in the first phase of the final Kingdom Poll, give us your ideas here!



Commander Sussy

I like Mushroom people but I also want someone to be called CannonDwarf


MaskP, dammit.




Mmm shortstacks

Indiana Atwood

No underground lizard reign? WTF Towerfag?!


Parasitic mushrooms that are hostile to the insect reign

Dusk Dovahkiin

On one hand the Mushroom Princess would look adorable with that smol apperance, on the other hand I can't get the Yogscast's song 'Diggy Diggy Hole' out of my head when I think of Dwarf Princess...


A background storyline involving mushroom p, plant p and Pruna where they've been plotting to take over all regions would be cool.


spider princess or snake princess(a kingdom like the one that runs the brothel)

Alex Rippke

I think an Elemental reign would be neat since the world we have is already such a diverse one


Forlorn/Amalgam race, a sheltered community featuring creatures made up of parts of losing princesses past


drider princess 2 the spindly and (mostly) blind sister to driderP1


Snake Princess that’s designed off of a king cobra since there’s Poison down there lol

Cmdr. Keen

My first thought was Spider Princess as well. But she is already in the game elswise. I would go with Lizards as well. More slender and more muscular types as variaties.


worm kingdom, so i can finally tell a princess i WOULD love her if she was a worm


What about a bat reign 🤔,they are cute and you have some different looking species of bat that you can us as reference for a bit of variety in progeny and npc's

Yuki San

Ancient Aliens that crashed long ago with Crystal p. They are actually Lunarians that have kept hidden from the Dragon Queen and are planning a takeover from below and above.


Go on! Just need a few more, want to start the poll on April 1st!

LOL Dog 1984

How about a Spalacidae (Mole Rat) Princess? With variants such as Blind, Bamboo, Clawed, and [Standard] Mole Rats. (Could have connections to the Mouse Kingdom, or be the Underground equivalent)


Dinosaur reign, you unlock them by uncovering an enormous hunk of amber and finding a way to crack it, or something. You could even have undead (fossil) variants! And a tyrannosaurus princess who has an inferiority complex because of haughty dragons.

Sho Anderson

Dwarf Princess looking thicc. Probably got my vote lol

Fidel Carreras

Dang, I would like to see both Dwarf and mushroom. But I'm leaning for mushroom peeps.