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Hey everyone. Sorry for not having a Raikage update today. I'm probably going to have to postpone the Raikage event. My Grandma passed away last night. So, I'm not sure how much drawing I can do until after the funeral. I was lucky today that I had this Lucy pic about finished yesterday so I could have some type of update today. But there may not be another update until next week. I'll try to fit in some drawing time if I can but I'm not sure how busy I'm going to be in real life. I do have the next 3 Raikage pics planned out so if nothing else I'll just draw them throughout next month. Again, sorry for the delay and the upcoming lack of updates I'll try to be back drawing regularly as soon as possible. Thanks for your understanding.




Take care of your family the content can wait


My condolences about your grandma man.


I'm sorry for your loss. Take your time and tend to your family.

Jorge Guzman

All good take your time to process things


I'm sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need.