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Here's a short 1 page color story featuring bulma and beerus. I've been working on this for such a long time. Since before I got sick. Haha. I'm so glad it's done and I can share it. This is the first in my new feature for the 5+ tier rewards. In which I'll be doing pictures like this sometimes which are basically short color doujin pages. I may do a sequel pic to this sometime if I get a good idea for it. But I doubt I'll do another page continuing this story. I'd like beerus to have a go with her butt sometime. Hehe.

I was originally wanting to do a short regular doujn with this pairing. But, i noticed another artists "yamamoto doujin" beat me to it. So, I decided to just do a 1 page color story for it. Maybe in the future I'll get a good idea to do a full doujin with these two because I do like the pairing a lot. Thanks for the support!



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