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I want to apologize for no new updates. I've been sick for 2 weeks now. I think it was a cold or something. But, now I'm thinking it's turned into walking pneumonia. My throat isn't sore anymore. But, I've been having violent coughing spells for going on a week now. I'm finally taking some medicine for it. But, I've been coughing so much that my lungs and organs actually hurt. Especially my right lung when I have a hard cough. I'm gonna try over the counter medicine for a couple weeks to see if I can recover from this. If things don't improve by then I may visit a doctor. It says the recovery time for walking pneumonia is around 6 weeks. I hope things improve soon. Lately I've been doing nothing but laying around after work each day. I will continue to try to draw more as I'm able. Thanks.



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