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Hello, as some of you may have noticed I haven't been active here or on other sites other than twitter for days. I announced this on Twitter when it happened but am just now getting on my computer to make this post. I've been bedridden for days with a neck injury. Basically I got dropped on my neck and head with my body weight pushing my head forward into my chest. For you wrestling fans it's like taking the styles clash and tucking your head in. Look up on youtube Styles Clash botches to see what I mean. I've been stuck in bed on a heating pad for days and couldn't even undress without help. I'm finally about to move around and twist some hence why I'm at my computer desk finally. I'm not sure I'll be able to draw yet since it does hurt constantly and sitting at a desk isn't the best way to heal this injury. It about broke my neck honestly. I am healing up quickly though. So I'm hoping this week I'll be back drawing. Each day it's doing better and better. I'm sure it'll take awhile to fully heal but I should be healed well enough to draw soon. The worst part was this week I was suppose to get a new job and start back regular work. So, this puts a hold on all of that unfortunately. Anyway please be a bit more patient with me to get some new drawings and commissions done. Thanks. - Studio Oppai

P.s I'm trying to respond to all my messages on all the sites I'm on quickly before laying back in bed. So, if you've messaged me I should be responding to you soon. Thanks.



Awesome Work Man Discord.Com


It's all good dude. Just rest up