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Hello friends! I wanted to make an update to let everyone know what's been going on and about some changes that are coming.

First I haven't been updating because work has been killer. Monday I even worked a 15 hour day. Mostly 10-12 hour days at my job. Then, in my time off work I've been preparing for my Japan trip. I will be going to Japan in August to go to comiket and sight see. I'll be meeting up with Naruhodou this year and I also have some guest art in his new Naruto doujin much like I had guest art in his Nami doujin at the last comiket in December. So, it'd mean a lot if any of you where in japan to stop by his table and get a copy.

So, outside of working a ton and preparing for Japan I also got fired from my job! So, that really sucks. Friday was my last day. Basically what happened is I ask for time for my Japan trip off on Monday in an email. Then Wednesday I got told in an email that Friday would be my last day. So, now I'm jobless and have no plan. Haha. Only reason I'm still going to japan is because I had already paid for my trip before I was fired. That brings me to my next bit of news.

Since I'm jobless I'm now drawing a lot more! I've still been busy preparing for Japan since I'm leaving for Japan august 6th I've had a lot to do. But, I'm not free to draw a lot more while I look for another job. Once my vacation is over I'll begin looking for a new job but for now I just want to draw as much as I can. 

SO! until I start back work at a new job after my Japan vacation I'm going to be trying out a 5 day a week update schedule! I've been drawing a lot this weekend to prepare pics for this. I'll make a new update for it tomorrow once I start this new schedule. I'm hoping this new release schedule will bring in more support while I look for another job. So yeah! Check back tomorrow for some more news as I hope to kick off this new routine since I'm out of work right now suddenly! See ya later. - Studio Oppai



so a few question 1. WHAT!?!?! Nani! you know Naruhodou personally? and you had some art in his work? can you name an example? want to try and see if i can detect it. 2. sorry for your job lose :(, but have a fun time at comicket. Want to know what stuff your going to buy? like any OST/Cd there or any doujin like from other franchise like rance or naruhina doujin. thanks


Yep yep. I usually talk with Naruho once a week or so. I had some guest art in his Nami Saga 3 doujin. But, for some reason the people who scanned the doujin online left my page out. I just made a long post about it on Tumblr to set the records straight I'll put the link in my next comment. And yeah sucks to be jobless again. Haha. I'll be buying some doujin. Planning to stop at Azusuke, Naruho, ButchaU and some others tables for doujin.


Holy shit dud, I am sorry that your lost your job in a unfair way, happy that your going on a fun trip to Japan, Jealous that you are going to Japan for a convention, and even more Jealous that you know and are personally going to meet NARUHODOU, I like that guys work, my favorite is the SakuHina and the old guy from the lightning village, but man I wish you a safe trip and back.