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Here's me working on my new style some more. This time a Nami Swimsuit pic. Hope some of you like it and like my newer style I'm going for. See ya later




I REALLY wish you'd do more OP


Haha. I wish more of my fans liked one piece and fairy tail. I'd like to draw more of those more often. Maybe soon. I'm wanting to expand outside of just Robin and Nami for one piece. I've wanted to draw Rebecca, Koala, Tashigi, Carrot, and many other one piece girls. Hopefully I can make some time to do more of them in coming months.


I hope there will be a nude version of this pic...


Sadly I don't think there will be. Because that'd involve me having to completely redraw her breasts on different layers for the variant. I'm hoping to do more one piece girls and Nami again later this year though. Thanks.