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Here's a sketch for a possible phone wallpaper I'm drawing for myself. I think lately I've been suffering from hentai drawing burnout. Because it's been hard to get motivated to draw lately. So, I'm hoping doing some non hentai art will freshen up my motivation to get back into drawing more hentai. Anyway this is a batman sketch I may finish into a wallpaper. It's my first time drawing Batman and I'm not very good at comic book style. Haha. See ya later.



FullTime Chief Managing Director

Looks awesome😁👍 this could be a good side thing to do when you’re burnt out on drawing hentai all the time


Its a nice lil sketch in a typical iconic pose.


If Batmans a phase try a more serious tone. "WHERE IS IT! *PUNCH"


Did you ever finish this


Well if you ever find yourself wanting to I would like to have it as a background