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I apologize for doing older anime for the last 2 pics. I know they're dated series and there aren't many fans of Yuyu Hakusho or Inuyasha around today. But, while I was watching anime while both those series where being aired new, I wasn't drawing hentai back then. So, I have to do pics for them now that I am. Haha. Anyway, I hope some of you will enjoy them nonetheless and I'll be getting back to Naruto pics and other more modern anime real soon. I'm hoping to do some more inuyasha pics in the future. Like Sesshomaru x Kagome, demon Inuyasha x Kagome and other Kogome and Sango pairings. Maybe even some of the other girls at some point. Haha. Anyway I have work tomorrow so I gotta go to bed. I had originally planned to do 2 pics today but got called into work. So, tomorrow I'll try to finish the Mabui x Naruto pic I've been working on. See ya later.



Jinchuuriki Jay

Isnt ALOT ! Lol who the heck Doesn't lov YuYu Hakusho !?! That was like the same level of Naruto for me when that anime was still ongoing !! Then again there's alot who didn't watch it too to be fair.


Yeah. Inuyasha was the same. It was super insanely popular too. But, there's a lot of people who watch anime today who haven't even seen naruto, let alone the older stuff. Haha. I hope everyone will like the older series I draw too. Haha.