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It's been quite literally weeks since I've got time to work on my own pictures ideas. All my free time I set aside in my life for drawing has been completely used on commission work. But, coming in December I plan for that to change. After I finish my current commission obligations I don't plan to take any new commissions for a few weeks. Which will probably hurt me financial especially since I keep losing lots of support on Patreon. But, as I keep going now I'm not very happy drawing anymore. It's become a struggle to force myself to draw since I spend all my free time drawing other peoples ideas for commissions. Not having time to draw my own ideas. But as I said after I finish my current commissions I really want to just work on my own stuff for awhile. 

Anyway here's a new Ultear pic that's been in progress forever and I just today set everything else aside to draw on it some before bed. I have work early again tomorrow and a long day at work. Even still I'll try to draw more tomorrow after work. I want this pic done since it's been in progress forever. But, I'll also need to work more on commissions tomorrow. See ya later.



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