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I'm looking to try to take a 30 day challenge. To basically double my support on Patreon within 30 days starting in September. So, I wanted to ask for advice from you my fans on ideas on how I could possibly do that. As well as make a poll to see what you'd like to see more of from Studio Oppai and how I can better improve my content for what you like. 

Ok, so please feel free to leave suggestions or advice below and here's some of my own ideas to possibly explore. 

1. doing Instagram, I started a StudioOppai Instagram to help promote my art, however it's a limited process since I can't share NSFW stuff there. I do want to upload more sketches and SFW drawings there and broaden my fan base to potential new fans.

2. Do more youtube work, doing youtube videos takes a good amount of time. But, I think it's worth it. I can't monetize the type of videos I upload so it's not bringing in revenue. But, the potential to expand to more fans is high on that site. So, I'd like to start doing more there. Maybe drawing videos and how to's once I can afford a microphone one day. Haha.

3. Starting a discord. I'm still not sure of the appeal of discord, how it works or if people would be interested in it. I know it's pretty big and lots of other artists use it so I'd like to maybe explore that option.

Again feel free to leave advice below. Times are getting rather desperate for Studio Oppai as I keep losing more and more support each month. Particularly losing 6 patrons over this last weekend alone. Thanks.

So, please vote in the poll below to help me better make stuff everyone wants to see.



Real talk here, your drawings look stiff with all the same expressions and odd body proportions (no I don't mean the boob size, big breasts are fine. it's just how they attach to the body and such). Maybe do some practice sketches to improve anatomy and etc?


I do really enjoy your pics about animes like Naruto, Fairy Tail or One piece, but honestly, I have to say these series are very "exploited" nowadays and you should explore new ones. Recently, I started to watch Hajimete no Gal, and I would love to see hentai pics of the different girls that appear in the anime. By the way, your new OC looks very interesting, haha. Hope to see more hentai of Yui and Haruna in the future ;)


I can try to improve my skill more. But, honestly with my schedule and routine it'll be very hard. I'm so swamped with work and trying to keep a steady flow of not just my commissions, but, my own pics, doujin and trying to start my original hentai stuff has been incredibly tough. There's also the factor of drawing skill doesn't equal support. There's many many artists with far more skill than mine who have even less support. The way the community is it favors more support for those who constantly push out updates as opposed to creating good content. I don't agree with it but that's how it is. If I took the time to make each pic how I wanted I'd probably have just a couple updates a week and lose most of my support from lack of content. So, I strive to find a middle ground. I'm still trying to improve further since most of my pics I'm not happy with. Last pic I really think showed my skill was Fuu x Naruto. But that took a lot of time away from other pics. I'll continue to try to improve with my limited time and strive for better anatomy. Thanks.


There's a couple of problems with that. First being I don't have time to watch much anime. Almost all my free time goes into drawing. So it's tough to find motivation for characters of shows I haven't seen and have no relation too. Second is most of my fan base is here solely for naruto. Haha. It's still a huge market and has a huge following. It's a safer choice to go with naruto a time tested working series as opposed to taking a chance with an anime that will be gone and forgotten in a couple months. I do want to do more with original content and build fans for that. From time to time I'll probably expand to other series. But, if I where to mostly stop naruto that would definitely mean losing a lot of the support I have. But, I'll try to find some middle ground on series to draw. I mostly watch older anime so no one would want to see me draw them. Haha.