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The featured films will be changing very soon! I'll replace the featured films in the page tomorrow. XinLong's 'Rainy Night' will be taking the spotlight preceding Tindalos's 'The contest'!

The animation is still incomplete. There still are additional shots before it ends, so for now, 'Rainy Night' won't be download-able until it is completed.

XinLong's comic will also be available as a read-only as well.




Sorry to be a bother but I’m a relatively new subscriber and I’ve been wanting to ask for access to the mini reward and current featured film? ^_^


Oh sure! I’ll send you the keys tomorrow. I’m already off-pc right now

Christopher Rivera

Hello I'm also a recent subscriber can I also get access to the mini reward and featured film please?


I've just sent the reward messages, please do check it if you get it : )