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Welcome to the 27th Century!
While human hands have reached most of the solar system, colonization ships still needs young individuals for space travel beyond our sun: Alpha Centauri has been reached some decades ago, and now humanity is looking at new stars.

Like many youngsters who wants to dedicate their life for this new frontier, she had some changes made to her, namely, neural implant and also limb reduction : Cybernetic limbs are way more useful in space, especially since they don't have muscle reduction problem or permit better dextirity for repairs. Also, why need them, when you spend most of your time weightless.

She was 18 when she joined the space colonization program, and she's now 26... Still 6 more years till her ship reach Sirius.

Oh, as for her ears, that was just the trend among her generation back on Earth.




One would ask (and that one would be me) if technology is as powerful as this, couldn't they be more extreme with the weight reduction and leave their heads as levitating pods connected to a cybernetic body?But I'm guessing it's less to do with life support and more to do with population production.

Mason Dunne

I like this idea! Makes more possibility for multiple limbs and rather unique conjointments!