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I sent the art raffle question to 5 people one week ago and only 2 of them answered :/

Worse: Patreon system does not permit to see to who I sent the private mail, so I don't even remember who are the 3 who didn't replied >_<

Anyway, please choose among those two neat ideas, both looking quite.... sexy and naughty ^^



Damn, 50 votes with a 50/50 split


Both are so good but dickneck art is overall much rarer so I rather see more of that.


I like the idea of two girls in a sort of symbiotic relationship: one is the arms, the other is the legs!




Well there goes one of those times where I think I have no chance in hell of winning so I don't participate and later find out the odds were much better.

J. Jenny Jameson

Goddamn this is nervewracking. Did not expect that.

J. Jenny Jameson

What? An odd number of votes, but 50/50 split? Which one is it?? I must know!