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The Monthly pic for Mason Dunne : then again, a massive conjoinment... I'm doing good at them as long as I'm not forced to do specific poses >_<

Now I think about it, they got everything in double... apart the arms! Maybe there's a 3rd head somewhere!?




Wow je suis super heureux de voir que tes idées sont aussi tordues que les miennes dans le domaine. Génial, encore un sacré dessin de malade, je surkiffe.^^


I love the little overlap with their hair highlights.

Mason Dunne

Almost like they would need a third head considering how they can share their whole body, and everything they feel!


Yeah maybe but in the current state my only true question is who controls what? Do they simply control the limbs on their side or is it more complexe than that?

Mason Dunne

Both! They can trade who can control, but can feel


Okay fair enough. I also like the fact that it seems they just ended a masturbation session, judging by the fact that they are leaking pussy juice. And if we look closely, we can see some is dropping from their fingers. So hot.^^