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It's finally done! I promised you some comic, and here it is!! Sorry for the delay!
Truth is I had a hard time doing it because... well, been a long time I haven't drawn any comic stuff (10 years) and wanted something done right.... Besides I never did short ones like this... Anyway, I do hope you like it!

On a very critical note, I do think there's too much text, so it's hard to read, but I need those to "hide" her other side.... Also not the most dynamic comic either, but that's a start >_<

Right now, I'm trying to find a format that would work well for some comic pages: recurring characters ? yon-koma style ? more complex panels ? I do think I put too much effort on coloration for example, while something more rough would be well more acceptable and less time-consuming. Well, I'm still thinking...

Sooo... What do you think of that one ?

P.S: And how the hell did she zapped all those channels in the first place ? >_<




C'est clairement pas facile quand on a pas l'habitude c'est sûr. Je pense qu'en effet un moyen de se rendre la tâche plus simple c'est de mettre moins d'effort dans la coloration, sinon comme tu le dis ça prend un temps fou. Là c'est déjà vraiment pas mal pour une 1ere fois. Certes c'est pas dynamiques et les poses changent peu mais j'imagine que c'était pour se simplifier la vie. Peut-être qu'en trouvant des méthodes plus simples tu pourras justement aborder des thèmes plus complexes par la suite. Sinon je sais pas si y'aura une suite un jour à cette histoire mais j'avoue être curieux de savoir où cela va mener. Je vois bien un truc du style: à force de boire, sa soeur devient elle aussi peu à peu saoule et cela leur donne envie de faire des choses coquines hehe.^^

Unusual Unity

I enjoyed this one. The yonkoma style of presentation works well, and I don't think more complex panel design is needed. While recurring characters are nice, it's good to allow you as the creator the freedom to use others if inspiration strikes you.


Pretty cool! I'm sure that something more rough would be acceptable in a comic format. For recurring characters maybe use a few of the 'tan' characters up on your website?


Yes, I would LOVE to see the -tan girls make their return as recurring characters!

Mason Dunne

Either she used another we don't see or a hand foot!


Yes, maybe they have two more arms we can't see here.

Crissa Kentavr

The other arm/head could be pushing the button between drinks.