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- You'll see! I think we made the right choice!
- I wonder though, I do like my daily jogs, how are we going to stay fit?
- I don't know, isn't this quite the commitment?  

- The guy just wouldn't stop, it was like he was half-rabbit, just pumping his-- Katie, you like this!
- Wha-- no!! Well maybe...
- You're sure getting laid a lot nowadays...  

Guess i could find a better discussion, but you guys should know by now that I'm not the best writer around ;p So yeah, three friends who choose to be limbless: is it hype ? is it more a LGBTQ+ transition ? I'm not sure... but seems at least they have adapted to those new bodies.

It is a poll winner idea: "before/after of a group of three girlfriends who want to be limbless" @Yuu Kasi




That's a cute trio ! They definitely improved their looks like that :)


Super fun! I love the before-and-after pictures. It kind of seems like they've had some other enhancements done, but that just might be an issue of perspective now.


The one on the right seems to appreciate her new body more than the others. Great work as always.


amazing! love the three girls


just revisiting this one. love it.