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She used to work on the field, fighting violent criminals, armed yakuzas, and...
Hahaha, who am I joking? She's a policewoman in Japan, the gun is just for show and most of her job consist of giving directions to foreigners or help old people.

Truth is she was a very motivated junior, but also quite clumsy... and she ended up losing her limbs in very silly situations: stumbling into an open sewer drain, misfiring her own gun, etc...

Right now she's posing but nowadays she's just working in the office.




I'm sure it didn't seem silly at the time. Broken legs, arm presumably damaged from the gun shot and an infection bad enough to warrant amputation. Sounds not fun at all.


Be careful, she's still armed.


Definitely need a NSFW version here...quads and triples are the best. Just wish she had an extra set of breasts or two to balance herself out.


¿usa tanga?