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-So here we are, we met again. I might have for you an offer you cannot refuse.

It's been years you haven't seen her, but she's as frightening as she was back then when she had limbs. It's rare for women to enter the syndicate and even rarer for those who end up disabled to keep their commitment to it.
But here she was, limbless, but also the boss of the city biggest crime organization. Ruthless and clever, she sure had changed, alongside her physical appearance, yet she was still attractive.

-Say... why don't we have some time together ? Like in the old days...

With that faint smile, you remember why you fell in love with her years ago...


Then again I go with my antics: a limbless mafia boss, hahaha
I like that kind of mix, between physical disability and being in power.

Thanks again for those supporting me! It helps a lot!
