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Here comes this time of the month already! :) Let's see what ideas/concepts you'll have to choose from.



I have no idea what you mean by a dullahan guy, but I do know we need to get back to more "normal" Gamma stuff.


what is "normal" stuff from me? :)


PS for my post. The Mimic actually has a story. Check it out in the Community Section to see where Gift-tan got her flexibility from as well how a modern day myth makes a living


You usually only do dickneck, futas and a half a dozen extra body parts sparingly, not the fetish kitchen sink and not 3 in a row. Granted, I keep wanting my turn to come again so I can suggest some conjoined amputee, so maybe that's just me being all "eww futa"


Is the girlfriend a dullahan too?


I might be the only guy who voted for my thing, but if a headless guy can't make out with his gf, I hope at least the girl's conjoined with a good-looking robot