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Here is a little dialogue, that kind of explains the story of these images a little( also its pretty bad):

Demon - How do you NOT get it yet, you are PREGNANT, P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T, up the duff, on the road to motherhood

Angel - I am an Angel we do not come into this world through such a disgusting process as birth, thus we have no gender

Demon - Are you *!%^#^& with me? look at yourself, your tits are as big as mine, and that belly is...

Angel - I assure you I don't know how you can come to such a conclusion based on appearance alone only shows how ignorant you are.

Demon - really?

Angel - hmmm

Demon - Surely you most notice you aren't even remotely close to what you were when you first tried to stop me, so androgynous, generic, boring. Now look at you.

Angel - I may have had a change in diet with my new shipmates.

Demon - You don't even fit in your clothes. I mean haven't you even noticed your wings are no longer part of the astral plane and are manifesting on your physical body. That not throwing up alarm bells that you are no longer a "pure" angel.

Angel - You are only trying to distract me so you can kill me, right the second I falter you will strike.

Demon - Why would I kill you, you are most likely carrying my dear babies

Angel - WHAT!? you are so deranged that you think not only can an angel get pregnant but that a female can get someone else pregnant, you are mad.

Demon - Screw it I tried to see if you would help us end this little stalemate this predicament has left our ships in. You idiots are the ones who lost the Amazonian artifact in the first place. 

Angel - The what?

Demon - You, you were so drunk that night on the pleasure you forgot didn't you, the item that caused all of this. The totem that allowed the amazonians to procreate with one another. It allows women to get each other pregnant, we had just looted it when you guys showed up, we started to fight and quickly, it become an orgy. The totem had an effect on us all but you, you went crazy with lust. Afterwards my crew regained are senses and sailed away not noticing that you lot had the artifact. Turns out it also allowed the amazons to control when they gave birth. we are basically stuck pregnant till we get are hands on it and turns out you idiots threw it overboard.

Angel - what so, you aren't trying to trick me. I may actually be a woman

Demon - For @$$^&% sake, haven't you checked "below deck" had a look at your "captain's quarters". You probably aren't smooth down there any more. probably have a new "secret cove".

Angel - I I... need some time to think.



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