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This update starts the Kylie/Heather/Nikki shenanigans with support for the first part of Kylie's theater experience. More will come out tomorrow, but I wanted to get the first part out for now to set up the rest. This collection of scenes will also be available (for Heather and Nikki) in the second game week, but their theater stuff still has to get finished.

EDIT (.370a): Part two is up now of the Heather/Kylie/Nikki adventure. You can now move on to Heather after having your way with Kylie and then depending on certain flags, have your way with all three during the anal portion of the adventure. There are still red links for the romantic stuff and green lights (as well as Nikki's theater experience) , but that'll get filled out soon. I also fixed it so the game will no longer think you transformed Kyle when you actually murdered him.

EDIT (.371a): Kylie's romantic walk is now finished, allowing you to make her a girlfriend (even if you were already going to get married...). In addition, the Kylie/Nikki portion of the theater is also finished. The other variants will basically combine different portions of these scenes together, so they should come out pretty quickly from here. Note that if you make Kylie your girlfriend, it will lock you out of the Kylie/Heather/Jill scene if you didn't previously see it.

EDIT (.371b): Everything is now finished for Heather/Nikki, including paths where it's them + Kyle and one where it's the two of them together. The only part that is now missing from this is the green light, but that's just going to be rehash of the existing scenes involving them. So in essence I'll be moving on to Rio stuff next, although that'll probably start coming out a couple days from now.

EDIT (.372a): Rio's first part is up now and features a new opportunity to transform into a 'monster' and attack her in her room. This scene is repeatable and although the clips are the same every time, the dialogue can chance depending on whether Rio's a trained fighter, has meta knowledge, and when she acquired those things since the last time you played the scene.  I still have to fix some stuff in the Heather/Kylie/Nikki scene (like the property stuff), but I wanted to get some new content out in the meantime before I circle back to that.

.372a UPDATE ONLY (Download this if you have .360d or higher already!)

.372b HTML ONLY (Download .372a FIRST!!!!)

Step 1) If you need a clean install, download the .360d ALL FILES pack from this post.

Step 2) Unzip the all files pack to create your College Daze folder. From now on, you'll extract future updates and place them in this same folder, overwriting the previous content to update it.

Step 3) If necessary, download an update only pack like the one in this post.

Step 4) Unzip the update only pack and copy the contents of it.   

Step 5) Paste these contents in your original 'all files' folder. Your computer will ask if you want to overwrite the existing HTML file. Click yes.    

Step 6) If you did everything right, you should have an HTML file that you click to run the game and a fan-made Images folder that has folders from 'aug02' to '205'. If you find an 'Images' folder inside your 'Images' folder, that means you pasted it incorrectly and need to re-copy and paste stuff.     

Step 7) When you run the game, the images and text should display as normal. If they don't, send me a message and we can try to figure this out further.



Don't forget to add a check whether Kyle is alive or dead, because in the current version this is not checked.


when i get defeated by kyle and lost heather/nikki/suzie, once I talked with heather, the option to date her secretly/break up with Kyle appears again but error occurs and I can't move forward from there.


the rio female path is showing the male instead


Thanks for pointing this out, had to look it over a second time before I actually found the issue. That'll be fixed in the next release.


Can you share a save on the discord for me? There's too many moving parts in the game for me to immediately know where the issue might be from this description. Edit: Nevermind, I think I found the issue. It should be taken care of with .372b.