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Hey everyone!

What an year huh? As usual, today I'm writing my yearly retrospective post, but first I want to extend my gratitude to you guys. I know it's something that evevryone says, but it's true, I could not be here today doing what I enjoy if it wasn't for your support.

My biggest thanks go to my patreon supporters. They're the ones who directly allow me to consider art as my profession. You guys make it so I can focus on my art and experiment and try to improve, you give me the safety to not need to worry about accepting x commissions a month to be able to pay for food, and for that I'm truly thankful.

Of course I can't forget about everyone else who supported me in different ways throughout this year. I'm grateful for everyone who has followed, liked, and commented on my work this year. We were able to reach some really cool numbers in 2022!

Speaking of my work, I'm really satisfied with what I was able to achieve in 2022! I managed to keep a good production schedule for them and release animations in a rhythm that was comfortable to me. I also managed to get a lot more consistent with the quality of my pixel art I think, in my opinion this year I've managed to produce several of my best works over and over again, and that feels really fucking good hahaha

I was also able to finally release a proper game! Well, the content in it is not finished yet, but I was able to finally produce a good chunk of the required assets and 80% of the gameplay. In 2023 I'll be returning to it and properly finishing the story, I hope you get excited for it!

Ok, I guess I've rambled long enough now. I'm really excited to keep growing in 2023, and already got some big projects that have been in the works for a bit that will be revealed soon

Thank you once again for sticking with me this year. Let's keep giving our best to make 2023 the best year yet! 💋



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