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Hey everyone!

The next animation is about 80% complete at this point, right now i'm in the process of cleaning it up and wrapping everything up

So I wanted to ask you guys what you thought of the halloween animation having a little video version where I added sound effects to

It took a surprising amount of work but I think it turned out pretty cool so there's pros and cons to making more like that in the future. What do you guys think? Is it something that we should experiment with more?

Also I am very much open to feedback on this sort of thing, it was my first time doing something like that so I'd love to hear how I could improve on it!



I can’t comment on feedback because I’d know where to start and what to say but, if it was something you enjoyed and want to get better at it I say go for it yes! Absolutely yes. I think it came out good enough for your first try and I liked it, even liked how in sync was the breathing. The only advice I’d give and this is coming from someone who really cares, please take it easy, don’t stress over it, you already work too hard with normal things and those projects you have. Take care now and remember to give yourself some YOU time.