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Hey everyone!

So some time ago the folks that run Patreon informed us that we'd be celebrating you guys in today's date, and I truly think this is a fantastic idea!

I really think I don't show how grateful I am for your support often enough. Seriously, thank you for sticking with me and helping me fulfill my dream of working as an artist

Thank you for giving me the resources to afford my drawing programs and equipment, thank you for funding art courses and premium tutorials so I can try to get better, thank you for allowing me to pay for transportation for the art lessons I've been taking, thank you for paying for the granola that I eat while drawing 😛

But for real, if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be who I am today. You've literally changed my life in ways I'd never imagine possible a couple of years ago

Thank you

Thank you for allowing me to chase this stupid dream of being an artist, and sticking with me even when I draw some truly horrible pieces

And now time to get back to work! I'm almost finished with a new pixel animation that I think you guys will like!

Seeya next time ❤️



Can we also do #ThankYouCreators ? We might be thanked because without us Creators don't get the opportunity they deserve but that's not entirely true. I can go into Creator mode and maybe start doing some stuff and maybe some good souls or naive will support me, but its my duty to be there for them and show them That I am worth it. That's you right here Mabit, you thanks us but I feel we should Thank you too for working so damn hard these past years, you're always pushing yourself to the limits and improving so much, since I joined this community I've followed hundreds of artist and a very few have improved, and not many have improved drastically like you do AND EVEN STUDING AND DOING THESIS STUFF? DUDE YOU'RE NOT HOOMAN FOR SURE! I don't think you realize how great you are and how you always manage to keep up the positivism, even tho I bet you have those days where you worry, where you might think you're not doing good enough.. you even said it in your letter that you make horrible pieces.. YOU DO NOT PERIOD! If someone starts supporting you its because they see potential in you and really likes your stuff, and which each one of them you improve, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot and it shows! I am glad, I am proud of being your patreon because I know my money is going towards someone who cares, not only about his fans but himself, you use your money well, you try to go bigger.. One day when you leave Patreon and join a company or make your own or whatever, I'm gonna be so happy that I was part of all of this.. Thank you for all these good years and good moments. You will always improve, you don't seem to have a limit, you work hard and you deserve a lot.


Thank you for putting out great quality smut that i enjoy :)