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Hey everyone!

It's finally here, the next installment in this weird series that never seems to make it's mind in regards of style or presentation

I got the opportunity to collab with Mystery to make this a 2-part animation, which allowed me to go a bit crazy on how many different angles and scene variations I could make. Go check out his part here: [coming soon]

Gotta say that the Trent closeups are my favorite part of this one, really satisfied with how his face turned out, as well as the cumming and sucking animations respectively (I also really like how aggron looks in the very first animation loop :D)

I do realize that by having all these different angles, we don't really linger on them too much before going to the next one. So stay tuned as I'll also be uploading the individual animation loops so you can enjoy each of them as much as you want

Hope you like these new animations, seeya next time!



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