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Hey folks

We did it! We managed to survive yet another year!

Give yourself a pat on the back, sit back for a bit and try to relax. We still have a long way to go, but there's no need to rush. We all go at our own pace.

Holy shit this year was wild. A bunch of bad stuff happened but I've managed to pull through somehow. I really felt like I was letting you guys down for a while this year, but I still managed to complete 44 "official" pictures (that is, only the public ones. Not counting patron previews, secret projects and stuff) so I guess I wasn't as bad as I thought.

The end of the year was my weakest period, I apologize for that as I had been (and still am a bit) insanely busy with coding the experiments for my master's.

Speaking of that, as of this morning I finished all of that stuff! Right now I have all my experiments running, and as soon as they're done I can start compiling them for my final thesis.

After that I'll be done with all this stuff for real and can finally become a full time content creator like I've been dreaming to for a while. It's really exciting and scary at the same time.

Speaking of going full time, 2019 is gonna be a pretty busy year for me as an artist. I got a lot of stuff planned for the following months so expect sneak peeks of projects coming out much more frequently (and finished ones too eventually!)

I was pretty bad about it in 2018, but I promise I'll be opening up commissions at least once during 2019. Several guys have been contacting me about it and I'm genuinely sorry that I haven't had the opportunity yet.

There's also a certain comic that has existed in a half-finished limbo for several months now that I'll give you my word I'll be releasing in 2019. One of my goals is to really learn Clip Studio and that's gonna be the main driving force behind that.

Speaking of goals, I also plan to release (at least) a playable beta of my secret sex game project I've kept hidden for a long while now. Developing anything with it at the same time I had to keep up with my master's, and maintain a regular upload schedule here simply proved to be way too much for me, but from now on I'll be able to dedicate much more time to that.

And of course I wouldn't make a post like this without talking about pokebreeder. I have every intention of continuing to make more animations for that in 2019. I already have an initial lineup of new scenes that I've been planning (including one that's already sketched and ready to pixel) that you'll be able to check right below this paragraph if you're reading this on patreon (but let's keep it a secret from everyone ok? It's more exciting this way ?)

Another thing that I really want to do next year is seriously work on my artist skills. I've been subpar for far too long and I'm ready to spend the thousands of hours needed to become an actual artist. I apologize for posting crappy stuff until now, please understand that I've been the complete opposite of an "artist person" my entire life, so learning this kind of stuff is really hard for me. I can push through and eventually learn, but it takes me way longer than everyone else.

Thank you for all the kind messages and the gigantic amount of support you've given me this year. I know that I end up posting about how I wouldn't be here without you guys all the time, but that's because I'm genuinely grateful for every bit of it. You're the ones that allow me to be here, making all this stuff that I like, meeting all those amazing people that I wouldn't otherwise, dreaming about this life that I would never imagine I would be living.

Really, thank you. If I was still here, able to make a collage of my favorite works of 2018, it's because since 2010 when I first posted that first garbage buizel animation you guys were already there for me.

Here's hoping we'll still be here to see my 2019 collage. Which I hope doesn't suck like this one.

Happy New Year guys. See you on the other side.




I am sorry that I don't have the words to express myself.. but I'll say that I'm so proud of you, you always try go further and improve and while you might not see how good you are, I'm pretty sure people here do see that. It's a nice thing to keep improving but give yourself some credit and love!.. I will always support you. Thanks for this great year.!


oooooooh so excited for super secret sex game project!!