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Hey guys

Title pretty much says it all, I'd really like to be able to be like those youtube guys that can just make a video and thank every single patreon at the end, but until right now I've just been an idiot and thinking "I could never do that, it would ruin the pic to include a bunch of text in it"

Then I stepped back and realized that every single pic has a description field that I could be doing that in, and felt really really dumb

So that's my idea. To include a "This picture has been made possible by:" and then a list of all active patrons at the time the picture was created. It's a nice little nod to you guys I believe.

The main counterpoint to that? There are some people that use their real names on patreon (although it seems that's quite easy to change, thanks Kavy!) and since I'm drawing 18+ they may not want to have that associated with it

How do you guys feel about it? As always I'm open for suggestions on how we could handle that. The main one I have is initially not including anything that sounds like a real name, and then contacting the patron to discuss what to do on a case by case basis

Let me know what you think in the poll below!



My personal view is, this is your art. Yes people may help you via patreon to make this, but this is still your talen your showing off. I wouldn't feel comfortable being mentioned in your pictures honestly, it just would feel weird for me. But maybe other people feel different..!

Pudgy Bear

I think it would maybe be okay from time to time (every couple or several pics). Otherwise keeping track of names and all that stuff for every submission seems like a lot of overhead. And past a few dozen names, it seems like it could turn into a wall of text. "The Mabit Memorial Here we commemorate all those brave people, furries, and otherly-speciated anthropomorphic entites who lost their dollars to safely deliver these adult works to you. May they forever live on in our hearts, minds, and porn folders."


TBH I jsut think it'd be kind of a... waste of time? Like, you'd have to go to the patron list with every post, check who's a patron, check who's not, etc etc, and it doesn't really add anything substantial to the artwork, cuz I lowkey think basically everyone will just TL:DR over it, like any videogame credit sequence hahah