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This is a different type of poll that is unrelated to Monster Hunter Rise.

I'm planning to branch out a little into modding other games that I like.

Those who follow me on Twitter probably already know that I'm a big fan of bunnies and that Final Fantasy 12 is one of my favourite games.

I've made a little test modification to see how approachable modding in FF12 is and I'm very pleased by how similar it is to MHRise modding.

The good thing is that support for FF12 is pretty much ended and mods will probably continue function many years after you download the files.

Are you interested in seeing some occasional FF12 mods like edits and completely new outfits?
Or is that a game you're totally uninterested in?
Would you replay/start the game with some added eye candy?

Please let me know!

Have some Screenshots and take a look. I'd be sticking with my usual theme of squishy softness.


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