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It's been a very, very slow year for me. I did get to paint a lot of what I wanted but unfortunately it didn't lead anywhere. I made a new portfolio, sent it around and got very little word in return. Those who did contact me back gave me their prices and honestly I made more doing private commissions.
Work wise, this was the worst year since I started 10 years ago. It's an understatement to say that it'll affect my decision making going forward.

So what now? Currently I'm trying to figure out what to do besides art to support my cat (and my partner and myself) financially.
When it comes to drawing, I made a firm decision to go back to my comic. I like some of my paintings but I think I'm a storyteller first so I want that to be the driving factor.
The comic idea is gonna go under a heavy revision since I won't be making it for anyone other than for myself. It'll still be online (and here) but I won't be making it with an idea that it must be profitable, and I must say that feels very liberating.
I'll do it when I have the time. So far I have two scenes planed out and I'll take it from there. Preview pages coming soon.


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