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Hey guys!

As you know, the reason I made the jump to this new way of publishing albums, was not just to make albums bigger, but also to innovate on the World Of Leah and have the time and resources to try out new things. And the first thing I'm already trying out, is giving my characters voices - with the help of Text-To-Speech AI. 

With this Loyalty Reward I want to show you my first demonstration of how this could look like by giving Lily Walker a voice! While still rough around the edges and certainly not the final version of what's possible in the future - I could see all my characters having a unique voice and on top of the regular image sets, having a video version where each character speaks their lines, as shown in the demonstration!

Again, this is not the final version of her voice but I hope that it shows the potential of what is possible and that Text-To-Speech with the help of AI is becoming way more natural sounding than it has been in the past!

Creating voices for all characters will be something I'll slowly be doing on the side so please don't expect the next album to be voiced already :D Maybe I could start slow by voicing older albums first, especially fan favorites (depending on how well received this idea is in general). But it'll be some time until this becomes more than just a demonstration!

Let me know what you think on Discord or in the comments!



Not as I expected Lily's voice would be but that's often the way, isn't it? Can't wait to hear Kendall! 😊 Great work! 👏👏👏


Yes I found it almost impossible to find a voice that fits any of the girls faces :D In the end, this voice I ended up with suited her the most - but it won't end up being exactly her final voice as there's still much to improve and change!

M Peezy

Surreal! Very cool! Loved it!


Very very good!! Great content too hahaha


not bad, when I first saw it I was skeptical but it honestly turned out pretty well for a first try


Really well done. Dont know what I was expecting but this was a real surprise.


Lovely voice! I'm amazed that this is AI generated. Awesome work!