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Due to some private matters I won't be able to finish and release the Early Access version of the upcoming album before the 9th this month, though this date will be fairly certain.

I'm aiming at 85 pics right now and one of the scenes of the album (a handjob scene with the new girl) will have an alternative version included! I originally started this scene with a different idea in mind but then decided for another approach half-way through. I still like the original idea and finished working on it but could imagine not everyone would be a fan of it so I'll include it as an alternative version instead! This will add 7 more pics to the album (not included in the 85 pic aim). 

This alternative version doesn't count toward the extra images either so everyone will get to see those!

Final release dates:

  • Early Access Tiers: August 9th
  • Follower Tiers: August 13th
  • Founder Tiers: August 16th

I don't know how many extra images it'll end up with yet but I'd guess about 15-20 to be released on the 13th as well or even a bit sooner! After this release I'll immediately start work on Part 2!

Hope you're looking forward to it!