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So short story long: I'm at pic 68 right now, already 8 more than I'm usually aiming for and the girls are just starting to milk the second cock, meaning there are still two and a half more to go. Turns out having 4 cocks and 4 cumshots in an album is going to stretch it much further than usual, who could've predicted that? 😬

I think we're going to see over 100+ images in this album if I want to avoid ruining the last two cumshots by keeping those scenes shorter than the rest of the album. 

Luckily, as mentioned in a previous post, I was able to start work on this album much sooner than usual which definitely helps. But to get it to over 100+ images, I might have to cut the Loyalty Reward short and aim the early access released for the 7th of July - which usually marks the dead end of my own deadline.

Usually on the 7th of a month I'd have already prepared the next album (preparation alone can take a day or two) and extras will have to be rendered as well, which will no way be on time for the regular release 4 days after early access. So extras will probably be released at the same time as the Founders Edition.

This in return means that the album that follows will probably fall out a bit shorter again with about 40-50 pics. However, I hope I can make up for that with ~100-110 main images + ~25-30 extras for Annies album.

This all is still optimistic but might be doable if my PC and I do some serious overtime. I've been having a ton of fun with this album and it might even turn out to be my favorite so far, so I think I can handle that without burning myself out. Fingers crossed :D

Anyway, TLDR:

  • Annies Album is probably going to be somewhat between 100 and 110 images.
  • The extras will probably be released on the same day than the Founder Edition (and thus be a bit late) but will contain about 25-30 images.
  • The optimistic plan is to have the early access release for the main album on the 7th of July.
  • As a consequence, the Loyalty Reward will fall short with 2-3 pics.
  • And also the album that comes next might also fall shorter with 40-50 images.

If you can't wait, there are already 40+ previews available for supporter tiers and higher:


And the first half (more like first third now) has been released for Early Access Patrons as well:




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