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All my characters will slowly get their own real Twitter account and thus be able to actually chat- and interact with each other in a "real" way. 

This here is the pre-story of the upcoming Halloween album in which Kendall contacts Annabelle for the photoshoot! 

Below you'll find a list of already existing Twitter accounts, but more are to come pretty much daily! Generally I recommend following me on Twitter (or at least Bookmarking it) to find all the characters accounts easily! (They're the only Twitter accounts I follow)  

Another way would be to join my Discord as new social media posts will always be posted there as well! 

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorldOfLeahRP 

Kendall Greene: https://twitter.com/GreeneOnSteam 

Annabelle Parker: https://twitter.com/BelleParker_CA

Annie Dillard: https://twitter.com/AnnieWho00 

Leah Benneth: https://twitter.com/Leahtastic01 

Kira Takeuchi: https://twitter.com/itskirachan 



Meowi Wowie

Yes! Kira-chan finally has a reel Tweeter!! I must follow immediately! All of them!!!