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As promised, here's what we wrote last night! We had a good turnout, and good prompts. I pumped out a little over 11K words in about 6 hours, which is definitely a triumph for quantity over quality, but definitely some fun to be had. 

We produced 3 distinct pieces, and they're included below. The first, Dinner and a Show, was just a quick piece I did while the votes for the other stuff tabulated, something quick and dirty. 

The second was a Galentine's Day themed piece starring the cast of Rachel's Love Potion. Like I said while I was writing it to moderate expectations, it's not especially steamy unless you just like hot chicks hanging out and casually talking and joking about their lives which have been turned into a snarl of sluttitude. Which I do. 

The third returned us to the Wesley Plunkettverse, returning to the premise 8 months on. It's not how I'd do it if I were going to plan it out and Do It The Way I Need To, but for something spur of the moment, I think it's pretty fun. (And I should stop qualifying the limits of fun you can have with this. Sorry. It's actually pretty fun, I swear.)

Meanwhile, still plunking away at RA5 et al. My mom is going in for shoulder surgery tomorrow, which I mention so you know that the next month or so as she recovers is going to be a lot of me waiting on her hand and foot. (Or shoulder and, um, knee...?) It might slow me down a smidge, but you can't put a good Ice Bear down. We're a protected species. Suck it.

More to come, and here's a little extra Valentine's Day for you.



Thanks again for hosting this fun event! It's amazing to see what gets created, and fun to hang out during the creation. And best wishes to your mom on her surgery!