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Attached is the results of last week's live write. Usually I do a lot of explaining about the story here in the patreon post, but because of all the oddity surrounding it -- it's a snippet; it's from Last Woman Kneeling; it's a live write; etc. -- I embedded the explanations in the file itself to help make sense of it. This way, the necessary context for it to not be pure chaos remains alongside the narrative. 

Other than this, I'm working on another installment of The Toy's Toy. After that, hopefully a commission, and then maybe seeing about The RA 4? I'm not totally sure. I'd been organizing around taking most of June off to work on stuff for my annual week o' D&D, but that just got pushed back to November so I have a ton of room to keep procrastinating and expend my energy on pleasure projects instead. So we'll see what comes from that freedom.

Whatever it is, there's more of it to come.




This was a blast to participate in, and I'm glad that everyone can read a finished version. I'm *less* glad to hear that your gaming trip is pushed back a few months, though. Sorry! Please use the extra months to devise even more devious ways to torture the players!


One note, though: You've got this as Last Woman Kneeling 7, but I'm not sure I ever saw a 6? Curious what you'd say the 6th Snippet would be.


I had my people look into it. Apparently the idiot in charge of file organization took "Last Woman Kneeling 6," in which Taylor and Canon banter on their way up to the learning annex, and did what we do for chapter books like The RA. Dumb-dumb just made a copy of an existing chapter and upped the number by 1 to preserve formatting from previous installments. Those responsible for this numeric glitch have been sacked.


This is what happens when your organization gets so robust and numerous! If only there were a series or two dedicated to maintaining control over erotic situations when the roster gets too high...