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Here's what I wrote when I sat down to write chapter 2 of Home From Work. Oops. Apologies in advance, and I promise it won't stay gloomy forever. Setting the stage! I've included a little taste of Janis to make up for it. More to come.




Wow, nice to see things looking up in The RA Book 3...


...for Tori, and maybe only Tori? Excellent chapter, but, yeah: *brutal* for Spencer. Literally everything from Book 1 and Book 2 is now being viewed as the malicious machinations of a collegiate predator, and things are somehow only getting worse? Like, they hated him, and now they want him to quit. Heavy! Huge! Kind of tough to read! But, man, still super fun to read. I laughed at Spencer's typical obliviousness as Janis is already super into him, and he's just hearing insults directed at other people. It's a nice mirror to the Hotties misconstruing and vilifying a genuinely sweet guy, until he's starting to become the villain they've constructed in their minds. Which is, by far, the most interesting thing in this chapter: watching Spencer start to feel *owed* his former adoration, and wondering why it hasn't been delivered to him yet. (I'm assuming the oft-mentioned fumigation is a spanner in the works.) We're a long way from Spencer wringing his hands over the morality of his actions; now he's just fretting over the efficacy of his actions. Terrific new chapter!